Friday, July 20, 2012

Dark Knight Rises

Tim and I had a really fun night last night.  He came home from work and surprised me with tickets to the midnight showing of Batman Dark Knight Rises. A coworker of his won some tickets to a showing so he sold his two to Tim.  Tim was so sweet, he was really nice/almost timid when he asked me if I would want to go-such a good, loving husband.  But's the new batman-so yes-I definitely wanted to go. 

It was SO GOOD! Oh my goodness, the movie was SO good.  Tim immediately wished he could watch it again.  It was really fun and we were able to see a couple great friends from our old single's ward Scotty and Clark. I didn't know what the story-line to this movie would be at all, but it was great.  Lots of character development and histories explained; needless to say-I really, really liked it.  One of the things that blew me away was that Baine was played by Tom Hardy.  Oh my goodness-I didn't know it was him AT ALL until Tim told me.  He did a great job.  Anyway, great movie-I highly recommend it.

Dark Knight Rising Colorado Shooting

I had such a great time last night with Tim that this morning I immediately went to comment about it on Facebook.  Basically, I was proud of us for staying up so late and doing something spontaneous-it was awesome.  However, after posting about that I immediately saw about the tragedy in Colorado.  It was absolutely horrible. A man opened fire on a theater in Colorado during the movie showing.  12 people died and many more were wounded.  He had lots of weapons.  Oh my goodness my heart aches for all of those people.  It's so sad.  After the movie last night I asked Tim if he thought a big city like New York would go crazy and have tons of violence if there wasn't government to keep the peace and he said yes.  I remembered all the looting of Hurricane Katrina and thought just how sad it is that there are so many bad people.  Then this happened. You can't predict these horrible events.  There's no warning.  People went to have a wonderful time filled with excitement and left with their lives tragically changed. I think of how Tim and I and our friends were in that first section.  How I'm pregnant.  That if we'd been in that theater we'd for sure have been affected by the tear gas if not worse.  I'm so saddened by this; shaken.  

Here are a couple articles about it.,0,2546455.story

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