Monday, August 6, 2012

Saturday Craft: Photo board to Jewelry board

This Saturday I had tons of grand plans of working on the nursery.  I mean I'm almost in my third trimester (THURSDAY!) and I've got a lot to get done still.  So did I work on pulling down wallpaper? No.  Did I work on anything in my nursery? No.  I organized my jewelry!

So I didn't take a before picture (ug) and I couldn't find a before picture online.  But I had gotten a pretty cool photo board as a wedding gift that we registered for from BB&B.  It's like the below board except cream and black, with a picture frame for 3 pictures on top and some fabric pockets at the bottom.

All of my jewelry was disorganized and scattered between a too-small jewelry box and a hat that I had put upside down and filled with jewelry on my dresser. I decided to turn my photo board into a jewelry board instead of just having old friends wedding invites on it.  (We had the Brigg's & Bailey's invite (both of whom have been married over a year and are now expecting!), family Christmas cards from 2 years ago, and a lot of expired coupons I had planned on using).

This is the finished project and I LOVE it! I don't accessorize very often because I dislike having to rummage through my jewelry-now it is easily accessible. Since having made it on Saturday I have worn jewelry on Sunday and today. I'd say that's a success :-)

The transformation:
*I took a fabric ribbon/tie thing that I had removed from a blouse, and I wrapped it tightly around the top of the board so that I could hang my hook backed earrings on it. (duct taped it on the back to keep it in place)
*Put in a few thumb tacks to hang necklaces. 
*Used lace from the bottom of an old t-shirt and duct taped it to the bottom for any straight backed earings
*I just pinned broaches/pins to the board
*Put my bangle bracelets in the pockets at the bottom

Beforeish and After:
Before-ish (obviously not the real before board but you get the idea)
After-the awesome finished product.
*These photo boards are actually really easy DIYs.  To get this basic set up like mine you'd just need to add a pocket and some lace at the bottom and you'd be set :-)


  1. What a great project, I LOVE it!

  2. Looks great Megan! Good job being creative. And I did't do anything for the baby until a month before...haha

  3. Love it! And don't worry, nesting will kick in BIG time soon, that's when you really get ready for the baby. ;)
