Monday, August 6, 2012

Tim's 27th Birthday Dinners

Tim turned 27 on July 30th and we had a really fun time celebrating his birthday. 
Thanks so much for being born Tim! I love you! You're awesome!
Tim's favorite food is breaded pork chops (they are SO good)-so Carol and Dan made a great dinner with the pork chops and then everyone got in the pool afterward (minus me-I forgot my suit).  
Damon's twin brother Caleb was in town and so Sian and Damon were going out to dinner with them the same night so Livi and Soph came and joined in the festivities.  
These are some of the cute pictures I got of them in the pool Friday night.

Livi getting ready to dive off Tim's shoulders....and there she goes.

Soph really wanted to wear goggles.  Oh my goodness I can't get over this-so funny!

On the Saturday Tim and I went to Tucanos for his birthday (whoohoo free birthday meals!) 
and it was SO good.  Really-you just can't go wrong with Tucanos. 
I was really impressed with all of the staff that night though.  All the food servers and the man who helped us with our drinks/bill etc...were all really nice, personable, and attentive.

One day we'll get a photo of us next to each other on our dates :-)

After dinner we just walked around the River Woods for a while.  I asked Tim if he could take a couple belly shots since I haven't been documenting things as much as I want to. Remember, this is with a Tucanos food baby protecting my real slightly larger than normal ;-)

I am a little over 25 weeks here.

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