Monday, August 13, 2012

Selling Tim's Car-Great Deal!

Dear Friends & Family,

It is sad, but Tim and I are trying to sell his car Ramone.  He has been a wonderfully great car to us.  We had planned on many more years together...but we're trying to part ways.  See, we've been really blessed to have been given amazing deals on some more sturdy/baby friendly vehicles by family members.  Not saying Ramone isn't sturdy or baby friendly-he is, but the reality is Tim and I were so incredibly blessed to have two cars (and two is all we need) so we have to say goodbye to somebody.

So I'm asking for your help family/friends/strangers/bloggers/good people in general. If you know anyone who needs a friendly mode of transportation, whether it be:

1. your little sister who just got their license
2. your brother who just got home from their mission
3. your best friend who just got married and is trying to schedule sharing one car
4. your younger sibling who is coming to Utah for college in the fall and doesn't want to be confined to campus
4. Anyone

Please pass along the information/send them our way. Ramone really is a great car; it'd be a shame for him to not be used. My husband Tim has taken very good care of him (Tim's kind of a neat freak-in a good way). And...we won't be upset if you decide to re-name him. 

Below is the ad Tim posted on KSL.  We're asking $2300 (almost $300 below Kelly Blue Book price!) We're more than willing to negotiate with loved ones. Let us know me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

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