Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Third Trimester

 I'm in my third trimester.  I'm 28 weeks tomorrow. Although in my mind I think that I'm probably going to go past my due date-that's really just me thinking that.  I really have no idea how close to my due date my baby will come; early or late. A coworker mentioned to me that he and his wife just thought of their due date when their baby could be born and be ok. If that's the case, then to be at term is like 37/38 weeks. WHAT?! That's only 10 weeks away lol. I still think I'll probably go past my due date though; I'm just lucky like that ;-)  Now that I'm in my third trimester though I'm time is going by fast. Before we know it this sweet girl will be with us; I am so excited to meet her! I admit to feeling a little overwhelmed with all the things I have left to do, but I know that everything will work out. And...whether or not I get some of them done, this baby is coming anyway. 
 Most days after work I'm tired/ lethargic; I just think about making dinner, relaxing, hanging out with Tim, and then going to bed.  Although I always have a to-do list of other things I never seem to have the energy to do them.  Well I think maybe the nesting bug kicked in a little because I had lots of energy yesterday and felt very productive.  Mainly I just organized and threw out some things, but it felt good.  
(Pictures expressing my good/happy/content/productive side)

 Here is a list of things I still need to do before she comes.  Also...another plea for advice/help/opinions on some things.

1.Sign up for a birthing class. Have any of you taken a birthing class that you loved? That you would recommend-or some that you wouldn't? Please let me know-I'd love any advice. Tim's cousin Hannah is a hypo-birthing instructor.  And I'm really interested in learning about that/taking her class.  I just have to figure out scheduling for it.
2. Take down the wall-paper in the nursery and paint it. If anyone knows a way that they think is the easiest way to remove wall-paper-I am all ears!
3. Maternity Pictures-I kind of want to take some maternity pictures.  It's just an idea but talking to Tim we'd really like to take some family pictures after the baby comes-but I still kind of want to document this time before she's here.  Any family members or friends willing to snap a couple shots of us/teach me anything about editing/edit a couple? I don't think I want to go full out and do like a whole photo shoot (I'm seriously not photogenic enough for that-unless it was a screaming good deal)-just have a couple good quality photos to document this exciting time.  Any advice? Any tips? Any referrals? Any volunteers? ;-)
4. Baby Stuff. Basically, I need to get everything still...except for a stroller and car seat! Whoohoo! Ours came and I LOVE them.  I'm so excited to use them.  so much so that sometimes before I leave the house I just go and look at them.  Adjust the seat a little. Just imagine what it'll be like.  Oh I'm so excited! 
And a bumbo and a boppy.  I have a bumbo and a boppy. Yard sale scores! 
5. Decorate the nursery. I've got it all planned out-I just need to do it (wall paper being the biggest obstacle right now)
6. Declutter and deep clean the house
7. Go see a dermatologist/plastic surgeon about possibly removing my mole. My family swears it's grown since I've gotten pregnant (it has a little) and although my OBGYN doesn't think it's cancerous, a doctor at an urgent care said that if it continues to grow it probably is/could be.  So...although it's kind of weird/sad/mainly just weird to think of myself without it, I'd rather get it removed before it grows a ton and I'd have an even bigger scar. TMI? yeah...maybe. 
8. Go to the dentist (it's been ages and I know it'll be harder to go after the baby comes)
9.  Figure out a birth plan.
10. Go check out the hospital/do a tour/get all the hospital stuff ready (papers, bags etc...)
11. Car stuff
12. Plan meals for afterward/make room in freezer

Here are the things I'm curious about and would love any advice on:
  1. Birthing classes
  2. Video monitors: Best brands/deals/your experiences with what's worked.
  3. Baby medicines/toiletries to get
  4. Any tips/tricks on how to sleep more comfortably these last couple of months? (preferably without being on my back since yes-I am paranoid)
  5. Unnecessary items-things you really don't think you need.
  6. Changing pads-opinions on fabrics, brands, # of covers needed
  7. Must haves for your hospital bag


  1. Megan, I think you already know what you need. You have definitely thought it through more thoroughly than I ever have. I think you will be great!

  2. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to do pics while I was there. I kept remembering at all the wrong times. I owe you and Lara (and a few other friends) pics when I'm in town next. If you'd like, I can give you a few pointers and would be more than willing to do some editing for you. As far as the nursery goes, I think using a steamer is the most helpful. Is that the last of the wallpaper??? Amazing!!! ;)

  3. We like the summer infant video monitor. My biggest tip is to scour craigslist and buy as many close to new baby things as you can. We saved a ton of money doing this (including on our video monitor).

    Medicines: infant's advil (any time she gets a fever) and an infant cold medicine.
    Toiletries: Clippers, Johnsons baby wash, baby q-tips, comb/brush, thermometer (I have lotions/oils/powders/creams that I have never once for me, they were pretty pointless. But, I prefer not to put lotions and such on Lydia b/c of the chemicals)

    Things I couldn't live without: a good breast pump! with lots of bottles. I like the Medela double electric. Total life saver. By the way, you can get a great one on Craigslist....just the motor though. You would definitely want to buy the plastic accessories and tubes brand new.

    Lots of people told us that changing tables are unnecessary and they never use theirs because you end up changing your kid in every room of the house. So we never bought one. If you don't care one way or the other, it's very easy just to change them on the floor.

    Another thing ppl told us not to buy (and I agree with this) is a baby tub. It takes up a lot of space, they only fit in it for a short while and usually don't like it, because it's hard. At Target they sell a big froggy bath sponge for your baby to lay on in a regular size tub for just a couple bucks. This was recommended to us and Lydia loved using it until she knew how to sit up in the bath.

    When she's a couple months old, an infant activity mat with dangling toys would be a big hit.

    That's all I can think of! Every baby is different with swings/vibrator chairs, etc. Some love them and some hate them. Lydie hated them. I'm hoping number 2 will like them, because I hear they can be a life saver!

    Good luck! You're going to be the cutest mama ever!

  4. Thank you everyone so much! And yes Suzanne-this would be the last of the wallpaper!

    Sarah-your list is awesome! Thank you thank you! I can't wait to see your cute new little girl too. I'm already anticipating the awesome sister pictures on your blog :-)

  5. You don't need anything for the hospital unless you are more confortable with it. We brought a change of clothes for me and one for the baby...she didn't end up needed it though because she was in the NICU for two weeks. But I just took a book and my ipod and my pillow. Loved it.

    I think it is good to document pictures. I think you should do it closer to your dur date. Like 35 weeks or something though. You don't want to wait too long, but you want to get your full belly so baby can see someday.

    I really needed my pump because I wasn't allowed to feed her in the Nicu for a while and then I was working. Loved Medula as well.

    I never took a birthing class. I didn't really think that it would teach me anything I didn't read already and I had an epidural so I didn't need the whole breathing exercising thing. But everyone is different.

    Good luck!

  6. I am still so excited for you guys! :)

    As for the birthing class, Teralee did hypno-birthing with us. I read the book, but we didn't practice nearly as much as we were supposed to. I have to say the breathing techniques helped me a ton though! I am sure it depends on the person, but especially since labor was so long, I was grateful for them. I think most birthing classes teach breathing techniques whether it's hypno-birthing or something else. I personally would recommend it though.

    Ha Jon and I packed WAY too much stuff for the hospital. We were pretty worn out and basically just wanted to sleep, eat, and hold little Allie. A camera and change of clothes for you and baby are necessities. Other than that it is just what makes you comfortable I think.

    You are going to do great though! I feel like you have done a lot of researching and preparing (even though it feels like you'll never be prepared enough). :)

  7. Wow, this is such an exciting time for you! I'm a lot like you--I like to plan ahead. And I always have a long to-do list! And I remember feeling like the house had to be SPOTLESS before the baby came. It was hard to get it there myself because of the strong smells of cleaners and having to bend down a lot. If for some reason the house isn't perfect when you leave for the hospital, it's ok to send someone home to spruce up before you take the baby home (mothers or mothers-in-law would love to do this!) My mom cleaned my tub for me and I was so grateful!!

    I remember at the end how hard it was to get a good night's sleep. The one thing that seemed to help was having extra pillows to put between my legs or anywhere else that felt comfortable. Do you nap during the day too? Sometimes I felt like it was easier to nap than to sleep at night for some reason.

    Yeah, I also realized I over-packed for the hospital. The two things I was glad I did was shower and eat before going to the hospital, because once you get there they don't let you eat until after the baby comes. And you'll need the energy! Oh, one thing I was glad I took to the hospital was my journal. Once I had a moment to myself, I took some time to write down my feelings about being a new mom and about my son. I am really glad I have those precious memories recorded!

    Good luck with everything!!
