Friday, August 17, 2012

Things that have made me smile lately

Despite my last post of being slightly overwhelmed and also the fact that I complain about my changing body and the aches accompanying it (my poor husband-he is such a great man for putting up with it)-Life is wonderful! I've had some really great little pick-me-ups lately and just wanted to write them down. 
  1. Getting my haircut.  I always love getting my hair cut, but this time it seriously feels wonderful! It just felt soo heavy before and now I feel light and bouncy again.  Good little pick-me-up for my pregnant self.
  2. Cuddling with Tim
  3. Feeling baby girl move.  Especially when I think she's moving in response to my voice or music (she loves Celine Dion)
  4. My coworker brought in warm Krispee Kream doughnuts one morning this week.  I had 2 for my breakfast.  One for for my baby? Hehe
  5. Tim graduating/walking (post to follow)
  6. Tomatoes from my garden
  7. Getting our stroller and car seat-I seriously like to just go see them and adjust the seats
  8. Tim's sleep talk: Recent conversation. Tim's asleep and I'm awake reading.  T-"Hey Man-Do you know what you want to do for a career?" M-"Nope. Do you?" T-"No. Not really." M-"We could run away to the circus." T-"Haha. Yeah-that'd be cool." M-"We could be lion trainer or trapeze artists." T-"Um...ok." And then he fell back asleep.  
  9. Being able to sleep in till 7:30 but still be on time for work at 8
  10. A great nights sleep last night. I can only remember waking up twice and I was so comfy without any back pain etc...when I woke up in the morning. 
  11. The Jones wedding receptions: We went to our friends' Trevor and Jayci's wedding reception last night.  It was so great to see them and see how happy they were/get to see a ton of old friends from our old ward.  I say this a lot, but I loved the 191st ward and don't think it can be topped.  Seeing people from that ward feels like family. 
  12. and....TODAY IS FRIDAY! 
Wouldn't it be neat to be a trapeze artist?!

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