Saturday, August 18, 2012

Letter to Baby Aug. 18th

Dear Baby,

Your daddy and I are up late watching the Olympics and preparing for our church lesson tomorrow.  There was a commercial for a new tv show this fall where a bunch of people were doing little video clips to their baby for the baby in the future.  It inspired me to write you this letter.

So I'm just sitting here relaxing with your daddy.  It's wonderful.  I love the Olympics.  We just watched women's weight lifting and it was crazy! All the women were tiny and they were lifting like 250 lbs above their heads.  It was nuts.  And impressive.  I love sports but haven't really been super active the last couple years.  I'm hoping to try and improve that with you after you come.  Not to mention me and your dad would love to encourage you to have fun doing sports and activities.

I can feel you moving right now and it makes me so happy.  Some days I feel you move more than others and the days you move less make me kind of scared but I have faith to know that you are mine and meant to be with me.  I know that things are going to be ok and that you're doing great.  Maybe you just have tired/lazy days like your mom.  Except I know that you're not lazy-you are definitely working really hard.  Thank you sweetie for all of your hard work and trying to be healthy and strong.  I love you very much.  And your daddy loves you very much.  And you have so many more family and friends that love you too.  You're going to be one loved, lucky little girl.  I can't wait to meet you.  I'm still trying to figure out what to do in trying to make meeting you the best experience for the both of us. But whatever happens, however you're born, I know that it doesn't matter because we'll get to have you. I love you baby. So much.

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