Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cell from Hell: a hard week

I'm British, so we don't think the above word is a swear word-especially when referring to the place because it is real; and my phone is trying to send me there.

This week has been emotionally trying at work.  (Scroll to bottom if you want the wrap-up)

 It started off by finding out Monday morning that a really nice client unexpectedly passed away over the weekend in a car accident.  This woman was so nice, she had moved out to Utah to help her 87 year old Dad.  Her dad can't communicate well at all because he's either had a stroke or some other medical condition that has severely impaired his speech. And because he's 87 he's really hard of hearing.  So his daughter moved here from California to help him.  They just switched her to be the owner of his policy so that she could communicate with people about it and because they assumed he would die much sooner than she would. Seeing this man come in on Monday, he was so distraught, and then finding out that his daughter (she seriously was SO SO nice) passed away was one of the saddest things I've ever seen.  The poor man is a wreck.  He doesn't have anyone to help him and he's struggling to find a way to get money so that he can bury his daughter.  It really breaks my heart its all so sad.

Later that day we had another old man come in.  He said he thinks he's one of the only men in Utah voting for Barrack Obama because he doesn't believe Mitt Romney cares about him because he's too rich.  He said that Romney is going to try and get rid of Medicare and that it saddens him as a church member and he wished Romney would go read King Benjamen's address.  I don't think this man has his facts right, but really...this man is totally entitled to his political opinion and that's fine. I felt a little like a politician myself talking to him because I tried to calm him down a little without agreeing with him at all. I said how you shouldn't vote for someone based on their religious affiliation but based on their platform and the issues (he had said he really wished he could vote for Romney because he was a member)-which I completely believe. I also said how I had thought Romney wanted to preserve Medicare but that I would need to look more into that issue if this man was under a different impression. Blah blah blahblahblah-anyway, that's not what got to me.  None of the political differing stuff matters-whatever.  What was so sad was that this man was really old and he was SO worried.  So worried about Medicare. So worried about finances. So worried. And it was sad. 

Now for the petty things that have ruined my week. 
On Tuesday I woke up and thought "Wow-I slept really good!" Which has been kind of rare for my pregnant self. So I just lied in bed for probably another 30 minutes waiting for my alarm to go off.  I had gone to bed early the night before so I naively thought I must have woken up early. So I was happy, until Tim said "Megs-it's 8:10!"  I grab my phone-it is dead. 

At work that morning the main copy machine comes up with an error. Generally if there are any problems with the copier people come to me/expect me to know how to fix it. Do I? No. I just tinker around with it and generally it starts working.  This time though it wouldn't let me do anything.  It was like the whole thing was frozen with the error on the screen.  Nothing worked.  

We have a smaller copy machine.  That should have been a back-up right? Nope. It was out of toner and no one told me so I hadn't ordered any. So basically, the whole office wasn't able to print, copy, or really scan anything. And then someone's computer wouldn't work and I had to try to fix it.

It was just a crazy, frazzled day.  To try and make it better Tim and I went to Tucanos that night (Thank you Betty! :-D).  We had a great time and I just looked forward to the next day and starting over. 

Now flash foward to this morning. I had two alarms set.  I had checked my phone and new it was charging/plugged in well the night before. My alarm goes off on my phone at 6:45.  I can seriously get up and get ready in like 10 minutes and still make it to work on time, so I went back to sleep but knew my phone was working. My next alarm was for 7:15-giving me plenty of time to get ready for work. I turned off the alarm on my kindle for 7 because I wanted those extra 15 minutes of sleep. I went back to sleep and the next thing I know Tim says "Megs-it's 8:04!" I look at my phone and it says 7:12.  It's not 8:04! HA! Psyche! My phone was yet again playing tricks on me.  It was 8:04 but my phone said there wasn't any "service" so it decided not to go off.

In a nutshell
I'm pregnant and emotional and tired. Sad stories and being late for work give me anxiety and can kind of ruin my day. I get frazzled and down when lots of little things pile up and although I logically tell myself to be mature/rational/get over it...they really just tick me off.  

Moral of my story: Never trust a cell phone. I will now be setting alarms on my phone, kindle, Tim's phone, and my ihome. 

Some positives
Tomorrow is a new day and then its the weekend and then a new week with a fresh start. Tim and I went to Tucanos and it was SO good. Tim and I are going to the football game tonight and it should be really fun. AND thank goodness that Tim has woken up soon after 8 instead of if we both slept till 9 or something!

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