Thursday, August 30, 2012

Homemade Crunch Wrap Supremes

For a while there I was on a huge kick of trying out new recipes from pinterest.  Well I've been creatively lazy and just been falling back on my easy, go to meals.  Yesterday I decided to be really productive while Tim was at an appointment so I got to work.

I did the dishes, a load of laundry, vacuumed the whole house, put away laundry and dishes, organized a couple rooms, and made dinner.  Sure...these may be things people do on a regular basis but after a long days work getting all of that done made me feel awesome.  My back? Not so awesome.

Anyway though for dinner I tried to make some home made crunch wrap supremes.  They're basically the only thing that I like from Taco Bell (to be fair I haven't tried many things there).  We were going to go visit some friends last night so I wanted something that we could possibly eat on the go/quickly.  Well our friends plans changed so instead we ate it at home, but it was still really good!

Here's the original recipe that I got from my pinterest cooking board. Did I follow it? HA! Of course not. Not exactly anyway.

My variations: I thought we had sour cream but we didn't so I used ranch instead. I used tomatoes from the garden (SO good) on mine (Tim no le gusta tomates).  Also...I can already hear my sister laughing about this a little...I thought I had ground beef but didn't, but I did have some hamburger patties-seriously...exactly the same thing. So I cooked up some hamburgers with taco seasoning on them and then cut them up. I didn't have corn tortillas so I just used crunched up chips. Ok...there were a lot of changes, but nothing too substantial-and it still turned out yummy. :-D

Homemade Crunchwrap Supreme

6 large flour tortillas
6 small corn tortillas (or tortilla chips)
1 pound ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
sour cream
nacho cheese (or shredded Mexican blend cheese)
shredded lettuce
diced tomatoes
  • Brown ground beef in a skillet, then add taco seasoning (according to package directions). Set aside.
  • Bake the corn tortillas in the oven at 400 degrees for a couple of minutes, until they are golden and crunchy.
  • Microwave the flour tortillas, one at a time (because they cool off quickly), for about 10 seconds to warm them up; this will make wrapping easier. You could also warm them up in the oven; just wrap them in aluminum foil and heat them up for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
  • Lay out the flour tortilla. Spoon some of the seasoned beef into the center of the tortilla. Top with some nacho cheese, or shredded cheese. Place the crunchy corn tortilla on top of the cheese/beef; spread a dollop of sour cream on top of it, then toss on some diced tomatoes and shredded lettuce.
  • Starting with the bottom of the tortilla, fold the edge up to the center. Continue doing this in a clockwise or counter-clockwise movement until all of the tortilla is folded over, and the filling is entirely enclosed. If your filling isn't entirely enclosed and you have an open spot, simply cut out a circle from another flour tortilla and place it on the exposed area, then wrap the tortilla again. 
  • Spray a frying pan with cooking spray.  Carefully place the Crunchwrap, seam-side down, in the pan. Press with a spatula and cook on medium-low heat, for about 3 minutes, until the bottom is nice and brown. Flip it over and cook for another 3 minutes. Serve and enjoy :D


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so going to pin this! Crunch wrap supremes are the ONLY thing I order from Taco Bell, ha ha. Kyle calls it Taco Bell's girl food...because, he's never seen a guy order it :) I wonder why it appeals so much to females?

  2. Ha ha-that's awesome! I don't know why, I think maybe because it's got some lettuce and tomato so we think it's healthier? But yeah, that's the only thing that I've gotten from there that I like, and these ones turned out really good :-)

  3. Crunch wrap supremes are so good! Also basically my favorite thing to order at Taco Bell :) I will definitely have to try out the recipe sometimes.
