Friday, August 31, 2012

Baby Update: The Glucose Test

I had another doctor's appointment today.  Today we did the glucose test-dun dun duuuuuhhuhuhuhn.  I don't really know why I've heard so many bad things about it-it was harmless. One of my coworkers described it as drinking a melted otter pop and I think I agree with her.  Mine tasted like a red, melted otter-pop.  They gave me 5 minutes to drink it-I'd heard it's best to just chug it down, and really it wasn't hard to drink at all.  I finished it in 1.5 minutes. Top That glucose!

My doctor checked my baby's heart beat and said that it was perfect.  My blood pressure was great (actually, a tiny bit lower than my last appointment). Baby girl is moving around a ton.

The call: I got a call saying that I need to go in for the second glucose test.  I guess that if you score a 139 or higher then you're required to go in for the second 3 hour test because you could most likely have gestational diabetes. However, my doctor likes for people who score a 134 or higher to get the second test done just in case.  I scored a 135.  So Wednesday morning had me at the Timpanogas Hospital.

Glucose-the 3 hour test
Ok. No bragging from me on this test.  Definitely not as fun.  I arrived and they took a blood and urine sample to make sure that my blood sugar levels weren't already elevated; they don't want to put anyone in a diabetic coma.  You're recquired to fast for 8 hours before this test so I had scheduled mine for 8:30 am. I didn't get to drink the drink until they gave me the all clear after analyzing my fasting blood. So I drank the drink at 9 am.

Right before the first chug the lab tech told me the rules: no eating, no drinking, no exercise, and if I throw up at any time to let them know asap.  I asked if many people throw up during this (thinking that women throw up as they're trying to drink the drink) and he said that quite a few people do throw up.

I finished the drink, which was admittedly worse than the first. A little bigger and twice the potency/sugar. It was hard to get down.  The worst was that first hour afterward though.  I I got this in the bag.  I totally didn't throw up while drinking that stuff.  Little did I know that the combination of fasting for longer, and the drink settling and hitting my stomach, and the acid reflux I've been experiencing would make that first hour really hard.  I felt really nauseous and had to consciously say in my mind over and over...don't throw up. Don't throw up. 

When it was finally time to go back it was neat because a sister in my ward (Sister Evans, my visiting teachee Jennica's mom) was the tech there to take my blood. It was nice having a familiar face around.

After all the glucose tests were done we took a hospital tour-it looks good. I'm pretty excited.

Oh and I passed-I don't have gestational diabetes. Hurray!

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