Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kidney Walk Team Bridger: Donate and Walk


 The National Kidney Foundation is having their Kidney Walk on September 14th.  This foundation is incredibly important to one of my best friends, and special to me as well.  When my friend was pregnant with her son the doctors said that one of his kidney's was enlarged and covered in cysts and that she would most likely have a miscarriage.  Well all of the doctors were wrong!  After fighting against the odds to be born, Bridger beat all of the odds and expectations the doctors had for him. What the doctors didn't realize before he was born was that he actually only had the ONE kidney.

Bridger was a wonderful, sweet little boy who inspired all those around him and those who heard his story.  Although he was here for much too short of a time, the short 4 months he was here on earth was more than sufficient to show that miracles still happen; he is one of them.

Below my dear friend Alicia, their baby Bridger, and her husband Andrew.  Please read their message and if you're able to-go donate.  This is an incredibly great opportunity to give back and help many families; including all those touched by Bridger and his memory. 

We founded TEAM BRIDGER on behalf of "Our Little Miracle" and perfect son Bridger David Baer. In his 4 short months with us we know he perfectly fulfilled his part of his mission and purpose here on earth, and as his parents we feel that with our efforts to help other families in his name we can continually fulfill our part of the great potential his mission and purpose has for good.
With empty arms, hundreds of cherished photographs, and a hearts full of longing for our son, we have set out to assist other families with babies who are facing kidney failure. We wish to see them successfully making it through these unexpected and difficult times with ease and joy. Bridger's story is nothing less than a Miracle, and we hope that in sharing it and helping others in similar circumstances we can in some way lift burdens, strengthen faith, link families together, give hope, offer support and friendship, stand for and fight next to those faced with such hardship, and with that witness many more miracles in other families.
All our hearts,
Andrew and Alicia Baer

Go Team Bridger!

September 14, 2012
Wheeler Farm 
Salt Lake City
Donate Now
You can walk, run, watch, or even just donate.
(Bridger's favorite color is yellow-if you're able to attend the walk, please try and wear a yellow shirt)

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