Thursday, September 6, 2012

Baby Journal: Sept. 6th

I love having a blog-to get to share the fun/big events going on in life.  To get to vent and feel like people care.  However, I don't always share some of the more personal/touching things that happen in my life because I want to keep them private.  So I'm just going to be typing up a some of these moments that I would write in a journal-but lets be honest-writing in a journal is much more time-consuming/harder than typing for me.  Anyway-I wanted to remember a sweet moment from last night.

Yesterday I was really tired. Exhausted really.  I'm not exactly sure why.  My body felt like a rag doll.  I felt weak, limp, kind of sore, and warm, basically I couldn't function. After work I went home.  I couldn't be bothered making anything for dinner so I ate a couple bowls of cereal.  I also just made a great discovery for Tim; Burger King is now serving Cinnabon cinnamon rolls-Tim's favorite.  So I told him that and kind of asked if he wouldn't mind getting BK for dinner.  Did he? Of course not-he loves BK! But it was great because I just felt so tired and yeah...So I ate some cereal and then proceeded to take like a 2.5 hour nap.

While I was sleeping Tim came into the bed and starting snuggling with me.  He put his hand on my tummy and was giving me kisses on my neck and back.  It was wonderful.  Well little baby Mary started moving around for him and he was so amazed!  It was really sweet.  He could feel my stomach and tell where she was because she was pressing up against him.  He kept wanting to know if that was her head, foot, bum, leg etc...pressing out against him because my stomach was so much harder right there where she was than in other parts.  It was really sweet.

Later when I woke up a little.  I was in bed watching a show on my kindle while he was researching for a paper for class. I could feel Mary moving and looked down and could see her moving right above my belly button.  So many times I'll feel her move, or see her move and want to show Tim and as soon as I say anything she stops.  So the other day I tried to just tap him and point, and she stopped.  Last night I tapped him and pointed at the spot and he could see her.  It was so neat.  He was so fascinated.  It really moved me it was such a happy moment.  He bent down and gave my belly kisses where she was.

This is becoming more real.  In two months our baby girl will be here.  At times I'm so scared. Nervous.  But in moments like last night.  That was some of the purest joy I've ever felt.  It was beautiful. Magical. I love Tim so much. And I love our baby so much.  And I love seeing him become a dad.  I feel like my heart is swelling to a bigger size.  I'm so excited for more of that joy. I'm so excited to meet my baby girl.

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