Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It amazes me that summer is over-let alone that it's September! But 9/11 just snuck up on me this year.  I didn't even realize what day it was until driving to work I saw the flags.  I can't believe it's been 11 years.  It's weird to realize that I'm now old enough where I have memories from 2 decades.  I wonder at how there's enough space in my head to hold all of them, but then I realize that I don't; some memories slip away.
But not 9/11.

I was 13 and going to school.  I remember waiting outside of the Daily Middle School waiting to be let in.  I had English with Mrs. Nichols first period (I only remember that because of the association with 9/11).  It seemed like before we were let in the building everyone was kind of quiet and whispering.  I don't know if we knew yet-I can't remember if I knew yet. Then we were in class and there was a TV set up.  We never got to watch TV at school.  We sat there as our teacher told us that the United States was under attack, and that this would change history.

It's amazing how we say we'll never forget and I notice that I have forgotten some of that day-some of my own memories of what was going on.  I will never forget 9/11 though because even though I can't remember exactly what I was doing in complete detail I can easily recall the feelings that I had-and they haven't changed. 

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