Friday, June 8, 2012

Baby Update: 18 weeks

We had our third baby doctor's appointment yesterday and it was great! I love being able to hear our baby's heart beat-it is just wonderful and reassuring and makes me so happy.  In the appointment we heard our babies heart beat and my belly was measured. Everything went well except that I'm slightly dehydrated and need to start drinking more water.

The doctor said that our baby's heart beat was still perfect and that I'm measuring where I should.  Phew! Although I figured I'd be fine my baby bump has been all over the place in regards to size.  Some days I swear I'm like 8 months pregnant big, and other days I feel like I'm not showing at all.  Generally, my baby bump size varies more in reference to my bladder size, if I'm bloated, or whether or not I'm cushioning my real baby with a food baby :-)  But lately my belly has been growing and I can tell it's because of my baby/uterus growing.  I also think I've been starting to feel my baby move a little. Although I'm not positive if it was indeed the baby, I think I felt the baby move at around 16 weeks. During our appointment yesterday our baby was sure moving.  Our doctor found the heart beat but then had to chase after our baby because they were moving so much.  For some reason I just loved that.  We've got a swimmer :-)

We have another appointment in 2 weeks to do the big 20 week ultrasound and measuring.  I'm so excited to get to see our baby again.  It seems like it's been FOREVER since that first ultrasound. We're also really excited to find our the gender.  I am a little nervous though too.  They check for a lot of things at this appointment.  I feel like everything will be fine though.  I've been feeling a lot calmer since our appointment yesterday and since I've been feeling better. I think our baby is doing great!

Also, something that is SO fun! One of my old good friends and old counselors in Relief Society, Brittny, is also expecting.  We ran into her and her husband Eric at our last appointment.  She is 2 weeks farther along than I am, but we're on the same track with our appointments and have the same doctor so hopefully we'll be able to see each other throughout this process.  Depending on when we both deliver, we could be delivering around the same time as well. And they just moved so they live much closer to us. SO FUN! 

So that is the update.  Baby and me are doing awesome.  Can you believe I'm almost halfway?! Oh my goodness I can't believe it-but AH! I'm so happy and excited about it!

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