Friday, July 13, 2012

The Homestead Reunion

From Wednesday, June 27th to Saturday the 30th the whole Ellertson clan was in Midway having a wonderful family reunion.  This was the first reunion that Dan and Carol have held with just their posterity, and we're getting to be a pretty big group. Dan and Carol, plus 6 kids, five in-laws, 4 grandsons, and 6 granddaughters...almost 7 with ours on the way.  It was a really fun few days being together with all the family.  There was lots of fun activities: swimming, boating, floating the Provo River, golfing, hanging out, game nights, yummy food and dinners, and a talent show.  I wasn't able to participate in a few of those activities due to this sweet baby in my belly, and unfortunately Tim had to work on Thursday and Friday afternoon.  But what we did get to do was SO fun!

Here are some pictures that I took from the boat on the lake day.  Unfortunately, those were the only pictures I took of the trip, but  thankfully, everyone else took pictures during the whole trip.  Here is Jessie's blog post about the reunion.  And here is Lara's blog post about it.

Tim rockin' it on the wake board. Tim did such a great job on the wake board.  He was actually a little hesitant about getting in and trying it just because the water was really cold and it's a lot of effort to get all strapped in etc...and he had to go work pretty soon afterward.  But he got in there and totally rocked it.  He got up each time on the first try and was catching some sweet air.  I took a couple videos that I'll have to post.  Now get ready...picture overload :-)

Getting ready...

Up on the first try!

I think this is a sweet picture, although I wish that water spot wasn't right in front of his face.

Although I mainly focused on taking pictures of Tim, I also got some photos of everyone else rocking the lake as well. 

Beau wake-boarding.

Me and Tim

Brad wake-boarding.

We tried to get a pic of him flexing, but my camera timing wasn't up to par.
Lara and her girls (minus Siya who was on the shore with Meema)

Amy on the skiis.

These are just a couple pictures that I took of Kate on the shore.  
She was so cute, trying to stack the rocks up to make the covering more secure.

The reunion was a huge success and so fun to be with everyone.  Thank you Dan and Carol so much for bringing us all together for this lovely vacation and more importantly than that, for having an awesome family to get together :-)

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