Thursday, July 12, 2012

Baby Update: 23 Weeks

Well me and baby are doing good.  It's amazing to me that next week I'll be 6 months pregnant.  When that realization hit me yesterday I kind of had a tiny, overwhelmed sense of urgency; I need to get everything ready! Especially since some days I feel awesome, other days I feel huge and immobile...and almost always it feels like my belly gets bigger by the end of the day.  It's like how they say you get a little bit shorter at the end of the day-that's how I feel...I'm getting a little shorter, and maybe because I'm getting squished down my belly is getting bigger? I know...kind of ridiculous theory, but it really does feel like that sometimes. 

Anyway though-baby is doing great.  I feel her moving a lot and she makes me so happy when I do feel her moving.  It doesn't tickle as much because I'm more used to it now, but it still gets me to smile a lot. As far as new symptoms go...I don't know if I really have any other than 1. I'm getting bigger, 2. I have random pains sometimes, and 3. it's getting more difficult to get comfortable, especially when sleeping. (I've never been a huge back sleeper, but oh how I miss being able to lie on my back for long times.) I realize though that all of these things are just going to continue to get worse until the baby comes, so I'm trying to keep a good perspective.  Generally, if I have a good day at work, then for the most part I'm pretty happy, but sometimes I have my emotional, funky days.  Hopefully, that's just the hormones :-)

But overall, me and baby are doing great.  Next doctor appointment is July 30th. 

Today I had a good reminder/pick me up from one of my favorite bloggers-Natalie from Natthefatrat.  In her
"Good things today" post she said the following:

"sometimes i think about how close i might be to the moment that changes my whole world, and how often do i want to give up on it too soon, thinking i am still millions of miles away? how often do we despair unnecessarily? if we could only see the mere inches that stand between us and our goals, do you think we'd try even harder to get there? or just better enjoy the journey? 

today i want to remind myself:
this journey is not so bad, today-me. 
let's stop and enjoy it some more, huh?
yes, i think i will."
 Reading that this morning really helped me.  I want to try and make sure to enjoy my journey more too. Because, I am in a glorious stage of life, and things are so great! I need to make sure to savor them and be happy and not worry about the little things.

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