Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Studly Drummer of a Husband

I don't know if many of you knew this but my husband Tim is a mad drummer.  As in he has mad, crazy good drumming skills. In fact, the day after our first date ever Tim had a gig at Velour in Provo.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go because it was my best friend/roommate's birthday dinner at the same time.  But I remember we tried to figure it out so that I could go watch him play.  It's probably good that I didn't otherwise I would have fallen for him harder and faster than I already did, been super annoying and obsessive and become a Tim groupie that he would have gotten tired of or thought was crazy. Yes-he's good. Really good.

I remember the first time I did see him play the drums was at a gig he and some friends were playing at the apartment complex Roman Gardens.  By then, thankfully were were exclusively dating because I saw the way the girls there were eyeing him. I went with Tim's roommate Andy to watch him play.  I didn't/still really don't know anything about drums.  Doesn't matter.  You don't need to know anything to know that he's good. But below are some reasons that I being completely clueless to most musical instruments.

Reasons I know my husband rocks at the drums:
1. Because when he plays my heart beat goes almost as fast as he's playing (I'd say faster for cuteness purposes, but seriously...he moves his hands SO fast that even my accelerated heart beat can't keep up. Only accelerated because I'm so excited to have such a rock star of a husband.)
2. He's been invited/asked to play in lots of different groups
3. He gets super sweaty playing.  The way he plays is like a workout. If you don't sweat you didn't work hard enough, and he sure works hard.

Here are some pictures of my studly hubby playing the drums at Brad and Jessie's 10 year high school reunion.  I got these pictures from Jessie's blog post here.

Do you see how awesome Tim is here? If not...scroll down for a close up :-)

What'd I tell ya? Total rock star.  My husband is a dreamy musician people.
(He also plays the ukelele and the piano.)
I'm in love.

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