Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Needing advice/funny pregnancy moment

I have lately been perusing the internet non-stop trying to learn about baby gear.  I really have no idea about what types of strollers, cribs, brands, etc...are good/what I'll need.  So thankfully, I have an amazing mom, amazing sisters,  and amazing in-laws with lots of experience.  I haven't been able to talk to all of them about things though-so I'm extending the request to everyone-are there any "must-have" baby items or products that you swear by? Any tips or advice you would give to a new mom?

I just had a little experience that made me smile.  Today for work I am wearing dress pants; the kind that cross over and have the little hooks to clasp the front.  I just went to the bathroom and while trying to unbuckle my pants I couldn't remember which way the clasps unhooked and the funny part...I could not see which way my pants crossed over due to my belly being in the way.  I had to feel which way to undo them.  It was actually kind of neat because-I've got a baby in my belly and I love it.  And in that little moment not being able to see which way my pants crossed over made me happy.  Thankfully, I can see which way to do them up...and even more thankfully they still fit! But yeah...just a random little funny experience-I can no longer see the top of my pants.  I'm sure this could lead to some embarrassing situations down the road lol. 

1 comment:

  1. Things I couldn't live without:
    -vibrating baby seat
    -baby swing
    -swaddle me baby blanket
    -breast pump
    -diapers with the changing color strip that lets you know when the diaper needs to be changed
    -toys with rattles, squeakers, and bells that distract my child
    -pack n play
    -night light/ lamp with multiple brightness settings
    -Changing table
    -Aquaphor lotion
    -desitin diaper cream
    -diaper bag
    That's all that come to mind right now but I may think of more.
